Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Andy and I had a pretty seasick morning. This is actually pretty pathetic because the sea was very calm today. However, the crew and officers said not to worry, we just need to get used to the ship’s motions, which are apparently especially weird because the superstructure is all the way forward. The following seasickness cures were proposed:

-dramamine (we both took some, and is was afterward that we were at our worst)
-peppermints (works)
-crackers (tasty)
-ginger/ginger ale (probably also works)
-2 beers (messes up the equilibrium in your head enough to counteract the messed-up equilibrium you already have, leaving you perfectly coordinated. Can not attest to the validity of this)
-fresh raspberry tea (raspberry jam + hot water != raspberry tea, NO MATTER what the 2nd mate says)

So, after we (mostly) completed our paperwork, they sent us both back to bed. I again decided to not do this. Instead I wandered around the outside of the superstructure (the house) and in and out of the bridge. I felt a lot better outside than I did in my room. Also, while I was on the bridge this morning we saw some porpoises off the port bow. That was neat! Eventually I decided to rest a little before lunch, which we almost missed because I slept through half of it.

After lunch we made an effort to actually do work. Andy went back to the engineers and I…didn’t really have any orders so basically I put myself on watch. The 2nd mate (of raspberry tea fame) and the quartermaster (one of two other female crew on this ship) had the 12 to 4 watch. I mostly sat around, looked around, ate crackers, wandered out on the wings, and operated the ship’s whistle a few times. The whistle (somehow?) helps clear the fog, which there was a lot of today. Also, it definitely makes more of a horn sound, but whatever.

The chief mate, helmsman, and Marty (he’s the 3rd) came on watch from 4 to 8. I stood around for a little of that as well, since the chief mate is in charge of me right now, before dinner at 1700. Marty spotted a whale and I MISSED IT. Hopefully there will be more whales.

Dinner was special for New Year’s Eve. The chicken parmesan and pasta was GOOOOD. Marty’s champagne reappeared for the officers, and the 2nd mate then told stories about his Viking ancestors. Overall, very entertaining dinner.

And now, I’m going to sleep, because I’m getting up at 0330 for the 4 to 8 watch.

Happy New Year! We should reach Hawaii in 4 days.

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