Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Today we requested a break from tracing systems (“if you have anything else for us to do…ANYTHING…”) and worked with the 2nd and 3rd engineers on some purifiers. Always more purifiers. I worked with the 2nd, Chris, to put back together the HFO purifier that the 3rd and I took apart on the day we got into Oakland (a glorious act of destruction). Andy worked with the 3rd today to clean and repair a lube oil purifier.
The HFO purifier we were working on (#3) has 2 water inlets. One has significantly less pressure than the other. We know this because we tested them and I only got covered in water once. However, we have determined that the problem is not inside the purifier, so we are putting it back together after replacing some o-rings, springs, and seals (the parts that wear out and need to be replaced every so often).
This morning, Andy and I also repaired a pressure-controlled valve on the #1 purifier. The 2nd engineer noticed it was leaking, probably because of a problem with the diaphragm. There was black oil everywhere, it was exciting. We isolated the valve and took it apart (the diaphragm was ripped in 2 places), cleaned it out (it was full of oil), replaced the diaphragm and put it back together. They turned the purifier on after lunch and all works fine again. Success!

Other exciting parts of today: Something has gone wrong with the 3rd seawater pump. This pump is HUGE. It’s like, person-sized. And it was spraying seawater everywhere instead of pumping it like it should. We got the valves closed eventually (I actually helped very little, especially since it took me a long time to find a pipe wrench because I forgot the difference between a wrench and a pipe wrench) and there are 2 more seawater pumps working instead. The 2nd exciting thing that happened today is that someone was running the HFO transfer pumps with all the valves closed…oops. The 3rd exciting thing of today is that we got more snacks in the control room. Yes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, Thank you for your blog postings. Enjoyable reading and they bring back fond memories (though your insight is more than I could have mustered at the time).

    Sorry that your time in the SF Bay area was a bit lackluster. If you're interested, the next time you're at the Port of Oakland I can give you guys a tour of our container cranes (which is what I do for a living) and show you a bit of what goes on on the landside of the container shipping industry.
    You can contact me at
    Enjoy your travels,
    Kyle Brunelle '82
