Monday, January 13, 2014


The weather has been calm lately, which is a significant improvement. However, I was too quick to say we are done in the purifier room. I forgot lube oil purification.
Anyway, we arrived in California today by way of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was awesome!

here we go…
Many appearances by seagulls, although I could not tell if they were of the ring-billed variety (my favorite)

I’m on the bridge wing.

I’m on the other bridge wing!

creepin creepin
It’s really hard to get a good picture of this thing.

Sailboat guy + Alcatraz

now we’re almost under it

now we’re REALLY almost under it

Now we’re totally under it (At this point the captain had me blow the whistle to alarm the tourists)

And now we passed it.

here’s my pretty picture

the second appearance of sailboat guy


Mom, here is our bell, + Marty for scale


accidentally artsy seagull

Here comes our tug…

aw yeah

this is us going into the terminal after we spun 180°.

Excuse me who invited you

Matsonia, not a sistership of Manoa (part RO/RO)

Bay ferries do not care, they were cutting in front of us all day

Rowing guys! + dude in a small boat

Caught creepin by dude in a small boat

My new camera is super cool.
Not pictured: guys trying to tie us up at the dock but being super lazy + tying the lines to pickup trucks instead of walking them back
After arrival, we went off to meet our Webbie friends Satchel and Cody, who are living in Alameda and working in Oakland. Picking a restaurant solely based on Satchel’s Yelp app led us to a Belgian pub where the only food choice was between a Reuben and a grilled cheese sandwich (I wouldn’t have minded) and the décor included a lifelike zombie statue. We didn’t stay there long. We finally met up with the rest of our group (Cody, Lindsay, and freshmen Hannah and Laleña) at an Italian restaurant that we were nowhere near fancy enough for. Anyway, the food was interesting.
We had decided to spend the night at Cody and Satchel’s instead of going back to the ship. Tomorrow our plan is to take the ferry and visit San Francisco, since everyone else will be working or gone.

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