Friday, January 24, 2014


This entry is a little thin as the past couple of days have been spent on our Excel program. We are glad to say it’s almost finished. It has the same format as the original spreadsheet and can also generate daily logbook entries and California fuel tax paperwork based on this data.
Today we took a field trip to the bow thruster room. There is not much to see down there except a lot of dirt and grease, and not much to hear except cavitation. The bow thruster is not closed off by a valve or anything so when we are at sea the water rushes through.
Since it’s a confined space, Andy and I got left on tank watch while the electrician (Bruce) and junior engineer (Europa) were doing their work. We had to monitor the air-quality pump to make sure the space was safe and help them bring stuff up and down the ladders.
The other thing we did today was test the lifeboat engines again. We have the method down now, so it only takes about 15 minutes.
In other news, we have found out where the stewards keep the ice cream sandwiches.
Tomorrow we are supposed to arrive in Seattle before noon. What will we do there? No idea! Stay tuned.

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